I've decided to redevelop Cairo Metro, this time for android and with more features.
Brief Description: find the nearest metro station easily based on your Current location and in-metro guide.
I know, user interface is not very good :|, I will try to make it better or find a good designer :D
I've submitted this app to Vodafone AppStar, but I don't know if I have a chance to win or not because this is my only app, they said "the more you submit, the more are your chances of winning!" :|, they just need more apps!!
I've decided to redevelop Cairo Metro, this time for android and with more features.
Brief Description: find the nearest metro station easily based on your Current location and in-metro guide.
The app offers 3 solutions:-
- you can find the nearest metro station and see the shortest path to get there.
- if you are already in metro and asking the most common question "how to get to station X from here?!", the app will tell you which line you should use and how many stations left.
- small photo-gallery for Cairo Metro
I know, user interface is not very good :|, I will try to make it better or find a good designer :D
I've submitted this app to Vodafone AppStar, but I don't know if I have a chance to win or not because this is my only app, they said "the more you submit, the more are your chances of winning!" :|, they just need more apps!!
How I made this app:
We need :-
- the current GPS location.
- list of metro stations and GPS location for each one.
- find the Topx nearest stations using a straight formula.
- find the nearest one using Google Maps API( Distance Matrix API )
- get the path and draw it on map, using Google Directions API
- the guide activity is very simple, two dialogs with listView and textView for output.
- photo-gallery is a simple gallery activity.
I wish I can release a tutorial on how I made this app soon, and source code!